Women Development Cell of PCER-Panvel provides a forum for the students to discuss and deliberate on issues concerning women by using a diverse range of activities, including talks by academicians and activists, workshops, street plays, field visits, short-term courses and research projects. The college will remain deeply committed to become an agent of change and provide appropriate conditions to study and work.
- To create social awareness, legal awareness and develop life-skills among the student teachers.
- To provide and maintain a congenial working environment for all the women employees and student teachers.
- The Women’s development cell undertakes activities to create social awareness, legal awareness and develop life-skills among the students.
- The activities conducted are workshop on women safety, women health awareness programme, self-defense Training program, yearly rally on International Women’s Day, drama, expert talks on various aspects of women’s life, poster competition on the theme ‘women and society’, poem recitation competitions, Project on Survey of Women’s Status in Society, seminars, add on courses on spoken English and LibreOffice, medical camp, slogan writing competition, workshop on gender sensitization etc.