Nature Club

PCER Panvel > Association > Clubs > Nature Club

Environmental education is the process of learning through which one acquires sufficient knowledge to understand environmental problems and contribute towards solving them. Nature club is the right place that provides opportunities for direct experiences, practical and problem solving skills. It is a place where like-minded people come together to work towards the remediation and upgradation of our nature. It promotes an integrated approach to teaching-learning process using environment as an instrument.
The Nature Club at PCER, New Panvel was thus formed to achieve the above stated objectives. The primary motto of the club is


  • To enhance environmental awareness and consciousness and concern for the natural environment among the student teachers.
  • To provide opportunities to acquire attitudes, values and skills needed to protect and improve the natural environment.


  • The club every year organizes a series of National Level Seminar on Environmental Reengineering. The topic of the seminar is in line with the theme of the year declared by the United Nations.
  • The members of the club participate in tree plantation drives every year.
  • The club encourages students to participate in activities related to mangrove management organized by Navi Mumbai Environment Preservation Society since 2013.
  • Visits to plant nursery, talks on environment day, world sparrow and waste management are activities undertaken by the club.
  • The club organizes poster making competition on various issues revolving environment.


PrincipalDr. Sally Enos
Teacher in-chargeDr. Geeta Thakur
Student Council MemberMs. Divya Samota (S.Y. B.Ed.)
Mr. Alan D'silva (F.Y. B.Ed.)
Student RepresentativesMs. Haifa Khan (S.Y. B.Ed.)
Ms. Priya Rai (F.Y. B.Ed.)
Ms. Frenny Lawrence (F.Y. B.Ed.)

Activities 2023-24

Educational Visit: On 13th December 2023, an Educational Visit was organized to Muenzer Bharat Private Limited, an organization which collects Used Cooking Oil (UCO) and processes it into sustainable biofuel. The main objective of this visit was to increase our awareness on health issues due to improper use of cooking oil and to observe arrangements at the facility where used cooking oil is converted into sustainable biodiesel. Replacing fossil fuels with biofuels has the potential to reduce some undesirable aspects of fossil fuel production and use, including conventional and greenhouse gas (GHG) pollutants emissions, exhaustible resource depletion and dependence on foreign suppliers.

Plastic Waste Collection Drive: During the academic year 2023-24, a Plastic waste collection drive was organized. The objective of this Plastic-waste collection drive was to raise awareness about the adverse effects of plastic pollution on the environment and human health. We encouraged community participation in waste management and recycling efforts. Plastic wastes were collected from various sources within the community transported to a designated recycling facility where it underwent sorting, cleaning, and processing. Non-recyclable plastic waste was disposed of responsibly to prevent further environmental harm.

E-Waste Collection Drive: In continuation of the commitment towards nature earth this year too we organized an E-waste collection drive in collaboration with Thane Mahanagar Palika, teacher students collected E-waste from their family, relatives and neighbours and submitted it to college. The college in turn donated E-waste to the organisation for its eco- friendly method of disposal. We created awareness about the environmental impact of improper disposal of electronic waste and encouraged to adopt sustainable practices in handling electronic waste.

World Earth Day Awareness Session: As Earth Day aims to inspire and mobilize people worldwide to take meaningful actions that contribute to the health and well-being of our planet. We celebrated world Earth day with an objective to raise environmental awareness, promote sustainable practices, motivate individuals to take personal responsibility aiming at educating future generations.

Paper Bag Distribution Activity: As a part of our continuous, sustained initiative, Paper Bag Distribution Activity was planned. Our seniors had already made the paper bags. We planned to distribute paper bags made by our seniors to vendors and promote eco-friendly packaging. We collectively participated in this activity and distributed all the paper bags to the local vendors. Vendors were very happy by receiving it for free and we also encouraged them to reduce plastic bag usage. Everybody contributed to a great extent.

Composting Activity Another sustained activity which we continued was the making of organic compost. The primary objective of this initiative was to educate students about the importance of composting and its numerous benefits, aligning with the institution’s commitment to sustainable practices. The activity emphasized the significance of composting as nature’s method of recycling food and other organic wastes into valuable material that enhances soil fertility and aids in plant growth. This is an on-going activity which aims to instil an understanding of the ecological importance of composting among the students. Students were actively involved in the process and were asked to bring decomposable organic wastes such as kitchen scraps, garden residues, and other biodegradable materials on a daily basis.


PrincipalDr. Sally Enos
Teacher in-chargeDr. Geeta Thakur
Student Council MemberMs. Divya Samota
Student RepresentativesMs. Rutuja Patil
Ms. Haifa Khan

Activities 2022-23

Composting Activity

A significant step towards promoting environmental awareness was taken by the club by organizing a Composting Activity. The primary objective of this initiative was to educate students about the importance of composting and its numerous benefits, aligning with the institution’s commitment to sustainable practices. The activity emphasized the significance of composting as nature’s method of recycling food and other organic wastes into valuable material that enhances soil fertility and aids in plant growth. This is an on-going activity which aims to instil an understanding of the ecological importance of composting among the students. Students are actively involved in the process and are asked to bring decomposable organic wastes such as kitchen scraps, garden residues, and other biodegradable materials on a daily basis. A designated compost pit is created to facilitate the collection of these organic wastes. This pit serves as a practical and visible demonstration of the composting process. To ensure accountability and track student participation, a list is maintained to keep a check on the number of students contributing organic wastes. This documentation not only facilitates the organization of the activity but also allows for the recognition of individual efforts. This sustained effort reflects the college’s commitment to instil responsible environmental practices in its student community. By integrating composting into the daily routine of the students, the college aims to create a long-lasting impact on their awareness and behaviour towards waste management.

Educational Visit to Muenzer Bharat Private Limited
On 14th September, 2022, an educational visit was organized to Muenzer Bharat Private Limited, an organization which collects Used Cooking Oil (UCO) and processes it into sustainable biofuel. The main objective of this visit was to make the student teachers aware of the ill-effects of consuming re-used cooking oil and how leftover Used Cooking Oil can be effectively processed into Biofuels. Replacing fossil fuels with biofuels has the potential to reduce some undesirable aspects of fossil fuel production and use, including conventional and greenhouse gas (GHG) pollutant emissions, exhaustible resource depletion, and dependence on unstable foreign suppliers.

Joy of Giving Week: Jumble Sale by Soroptimist International Bombay Chembur
Student teachers contributed to the Jumble Sale this year held at the V. Pillai Campus, held on 8th October 2022. Good, usable clothes and toys in good condition were collected and sent to the campus. The proceeds of this activity are also used to further the cause of the community by the Mahatma Education Society. Recycling was not only done with the idea of lending a helping hand but also for a sustainable world.

Managing Plastic Waste – Making Ecobricks
Plastic is an amazing material with incredible properties, however when it goes to ‘waste’, it contaminates the ecosystems that sustain us and our fellow species. Ecobricks enable plastic to be secured out of industry and the biosphere. To make good use of plastic waste, PCERP students made eco bricks & packed all non-recyclable waste into a single-use plastic/ PET bottle. The collected bottles will then be used in making furniture.

Paper-Bag Making and Distribution
Paper bag making is an annual yearlong environmental initiative by PCER. We prepare paper bags out of old magazines or old newspapers. These bags are then stamped with environment friendly message and distributed to few vendors in the Khanda Colony market area.


PrincipalDr. Sally Enos
Teacher in-ChargeDr. Geeta Thakur
Student Council MemberMr. Nirmit Dhuri
Student RepresentativesMs. Rajlakshmi
Ms. Jyoti Srivastava

Activities 2021-22

World Environment Day
On account of World Environment Day, observed every year on 5th June, Nature club of PCER organized a Competition. The theme of the competition was Restoring waste. The student teachers created articles from waste which were of utility value. The response was enormous, and the outcome was a treat for our eyes.

Paper-Bag Making and Distribution
Paper bag making is an annual yearlong environmental initiative by PCER. We prepare paper bags out of old magazines or old newspapers. These bags are then stamped with environment friendly message and distributed to few vendors in the Khanda Colony market area.


PrincipalDr. Sally Enos
Teacher in-chargeMrs. Geeta Thakur
Student Council MemberMs. Jasmine
Student RepresentativesMs. Ronika Yadav
Ms. Kiranjyot Kaur Mankoo

Activities 2020-21

Webinar on “World Habitat Day: 1 Minute Habit Formation”
On 15th October, 2020, MES’ Pillai College of Education and Research, New Panvel and Pillai HOC College of Education and Research, Rasayani in collaboration with Soroptimist Welfare Association (SIBC) organized a Webinar on “World Habitat Day: 1 Minute Habit Formation” The session witnessed an online gathering of around 130 participants from the field of education. The webinar was organized in line with the United Nations idea to reflect on the state of towns and cities, and on the basic right of all to adequate shelter.

The Guest Speaker for the session was Mrs. Sonia D’Souza Bhavsar the young dynamic founder of Dropledge, a social cause-based technology initiative. In May 2020, Dropledge, was chosen for a special accreditation by the United Nations. It is aligned and registered with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal 14. The whole idea of the session was based on the conviction that if we dedicate one minute from each day of our life to one sustainable habit we truly believe in, it will subconsciously become a part of us. The organization with the help of the insights gained through its scientific research, has crafted gamified user experience to bring about a change in the habits and behaviour of the users.

The session not only focused on the issues revolving around the habitats for humans but also put forth the plight of thousands of other inhabitants of the Earth. The speaker shed light on some hard-hitting facts related to habitat destruction and the loss of biodiversity. She sensitized the audience on the impact our habits have on the globe and suggested an idea of a Climate Classroom. The crux of Climate classroom is the opportunity each teacher gets to reach students in large numbers and the potential multiplicity of the message of sustainable habits. The session was intended to remind us of the power we have and the responsibility we need to shoulder to shape our future. As teachers we need to play the crucial role of mediators to make Earth inclusive in true sense.


PrincipalDr. Sally Enos
Teacher in-chargeMrs. Geeta Thakur
Mr. Gyanendrapratap Singh
Student Council MemberMs. Pooja Talreja
Student RepresentativesMs. Anna George
Ms. Larissa Pereira
Ms. Amrita Shri

Activities 2019-20

National Level Seminar on “Environmental Re-engineering: Series – 10 People and Nature: A Livable and Sustainable Future”
Pillai College of Education and Research, New Panvel, organized a one-day National Level Seminar on “Environmental Re-engineering: Series – 10 People and Nature: A Livable and Sustainable Future” on 23rd December, 2019. The guest speakers for the seminar were Mrs. Meera Shah and Dr. Ketna Matkar. The seminar triggered new ideas to help us become mindful consumers and more sustainable in our approach towards life.

Plastic Bottle Recycling

As an Environmentally Institution, we are always looking to make the environment more sustainable. In this effort, we found that V. Pillai Campus, Sector 15, New Panvel has two plastic bottle recycling units sponsored by Reliance Industries. Our students and teachers started collecting the plastic bottles for this purpose. We asked neighbours, friends, people in our neighbourhood and collected lot of these bottles. Few of our students had been to a Rotary Club for a competition and they collected the plastic bottles used there back to our college. Taking these bottles, few of our students and teachers reached our main campus and crushed the bottles. These bottles are reduced to fine pieces and they are then recycled to make stoles, bags, etc. We hope to continue this initiative for years to come.

Awareness on Plastic Waste
Awareness on Plastic Waste on 13th November, 2019. A Session on Plastic Waste m=Management was conducted by Ms. Kalpana Andhare. The Aim of this Seminar was to bring to our attention the implications of use of plastic on our surrounding and to remind us how we human beings are linked to our environment.

Paper Bag Making
David Attenborough says, “The truth is: The natural world is changing and we are totally dependent on that world. It provides our food, water and air. It is the most precious thing we have and we need to defend it”. It has been nearly 5 years since we started the paper bag making community work. Paper bags are made out of old newspapers and magazines and then stamped with an environment -friendly message along with our college logo. These bags are then given to our designated vendors who use them to sell small items, like sprouts, dried fish, etc.

Planters using Recycled Bottle
The students of S.Y. B.Ed. took the initiate to make planters for the window sills. The planters were made of using recycled plastic bottles.

Poster Presentation
Poster Presentations by students were done on the international days celebrated worldwide related to literature. The student highlighted the significance of the day; why and in whose commemoration, it is celebrated.


PrincipalDr. Sally Enos
Teacher in-chargeMrs. Geeta Thakur
Student Council MemberMs. Harwinder Kaur
Student RepresentativesMs. Archana Jha
Ms. Vipasha Adlakha

Activities 2018-19

National Level Seminar on “Environmental Re-engineering: Series 9”
One day National Level Seminar on “Environmental Re-engineering: Series 9” was organized on 1st December, 2018. The theme of the seminar was “Clean and Green Planet” and the focus of the seminar was imbibing virtues essential to nurture nature and understanding a need for a clean and green planet. Experts involved in sustainable environmental work gave their valuable inputs while the paper presenters presented their studies and views on varied topics related to environment. Observations on the crucial issues related to our planet were put forth and ideas to keep our planet clean were discussed. The seminar served as a platform for all nature enthusiasts to congregate under one roof to ponder and share their knowledge. It gave an opportunity to all the participants to collate their thoughts and take environmentally positive steps.

Visit to Muenzer Bharat
The students of F.Y. B.Ed. and S.Y. B.Ed. along with the staff members visited Muenzer Bharat Private Limited, Nerul on 14th March, 2019. Muenzer Bharat Private Limited is a Subsidiary of Foreign Company and is registered at Registrar of Companies, Mumbai. It contributes to raising life expectancy, improving the environment and delivering energy independence for India. The company converts Used Cooking Oil (UCO) to sustainable biodiesel so that it neither re-enters the food chain nor pollutes the environment.

Paper Bag Making
As part of the community outreach programme of the college, students were encouraged to make paper bags using old newspapers. These bags were then stamped with environment friendly message and distributed to few local vendors in the Khanda Colony market area. These vendors use these bags for selling sprouts, masala and other items like dried fish.


PrincipalDr. Sally Enos
Teacher in-chargeMrs. Bindu Tambe
Student Council MemberMs. Deepa Vinod
Student RepresentativesMs. Arshee Sayyed
Ms. Yogita Patil
Ms. Pratibha Pandey

Activities 2017-18

National Level Seminar on “Environmental Re-engineering: Series 8”
A one-day national-level seminar was organized on Environmental Re-engineering: Series 8 on 9th December, 2017. The theme this year was “Year of Sustainable Tourism”. The United Nations General Assembly declared 2017 as the International Year of Sustainable Tourism for Development recalling the potential of tourism to advance the universal 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The International Year aims to support a change in policies, business practices and consumer behavior towards a more sustainable tourism sector than can contribute effectively to the SDGs. The idea behind this is that it is a unique opportunity to build a more responsible and committed tourism sector that can capitalize its immense potential in terms of economic prosperity, social inclusion, peace and understanding, cultural and environmental preservation. Keeping these aspects in mind, our seminar focussed on themes like Environment sustainability and tourism and Eco tourism and Personal growth. It was a very fruitful day where a lot of information was shared by all the participants.

Paper Bag Making
As part of the community outreach programme of the college, students were encouraged to make paper bags using old newspapers. The students were shown how to make the paper bags in a very easy manner and each student made at least 50-70 paper bags of various sizes. These bags were distributed to the local vegetable vendors and they expressed their support and appreciation by accepting the bags. They promised to use the bags as per the size and quantity of items. It was an enriching experience for the students and teachers as a very useful, environmental-friendly item emerge out of recyclable material.

Other activities
Various environment-related days like World Sparrow Day (March 20), World Water Day (March 22), were celebrated by discussions on the various issues which was aimed creating awareness. Students also got together to grow micro greens in containers and added the sprouts in their lunch box.


PrincipalDr. Sally Enos
Teacher in-chargeMrs. Bindu Tambe
Student Council MemberMrs. Annu Binoy
Student RepresentativesMs. Shanoli Ghosh
Ms. Kanchan Sharma

Activities 2016-17

National Level Seminar on “Environmental Re-Engineering: Series 7”
A one-day national-level seminar was organized on Environmental Re-Engineering: Series 7 on 22nd October, 2016. The theme this year was “Year of Pulses” as declared by the United Nations and World Health Organization. Pulses have been part of our diet for generations, but it has gained a lot of attention and importance now as it is one of the most versatile of food groups which can help us fight food scarcity that is staring at us in the near future. Experts involved with the nutrition and production of pulses gave their valuable inputs for the seminar. A lot of misconceptions or misinformation associated with Pulses were removed at this seminar. Many interesting and varied papers were presented ranging from use of pulses, their connection to Indian culture, production of pulses, adulteration of pulses and the role of pulses in combatting food scarcity.

Paper Bag Making
As part of the community outreach programme of the college, students were encouraged to make paper bags using old newspapers. The students were shown how to make the paper bags in a very easy manner and each student made at least 50-70 paper bags of various sizes. These bags were distributed to the local vegetable vendors, and they expressed their support and appreciation by accepting the bags. They promised to use the bags as per the size and quantity of items. It was an enriching experience for the students and teachers as a very useful, environmental-friendly item emerge out of recyclable material.

Writing Competition
A Caption – writing competition was held this year with “Nature” as the theme. Students of B.Ed. and M.Ed. participated in this competition with various interesting captions emerging from the creativity of the students. The captions were judged by teachers with interest and experience with nature related aspects and with a literary bend.

Tree Plantation Drive
The student teachers participated in the tree plantation drive organized by the social forestry department in Navi Mumbai during the Van Mahotsav Festival.


Teacher in-chargeMs. Bindu Tambe
Student RepresentativesSreejith Nair
Kalpana Kumari

F.Y.B.Ed. Activities 2015-16

National-Level Seminar
21st November, 2015
A National-Level Seminar was organized on Environmental Re-engineering: Series 6 on 21st November, 2015. The theme this year was “Year of Soils”. Many experts in the field of Soil composition, climate change and its effect on soil gave their valuable inputs for the seminar. A hands-on workshop on pottery was also part of the seminar and the participants had a very interactive session making small items using clay.

World Soil Day
5th December, 2015
5th December is celebrated as World Soil Day and on this occasion we organized an Educational Visit cum Workshop to Mr. Satish Joshi’s Studio in Rasayani on Saturday 5th December, 2015. Here we got an opportunity to visit the village, talk to the villagers, see their lifestyle, visit the nearby river from where the clay is obtained, try our hands at clay work and also see our work take a permanent shape in the kiln.

Grow Micro Greens
Students were encouraged and motivated to grow micro greens. A session was conducted to create awareness among students about what are micro greens, why they are important and how it can be done. Students enthusiastically participated and we had a wide variety of micro greens in the next week. There were carrot, radish, spinach, mustard, grams of various kinds, sesame, etc. were grown by the students and consumed along with their lunch.

World Sparrow day
20th March, 2016
World Sparrow day was marked on 20th March, 2016. Awareness was created amongst the student teachers about the almost extinct sparrows, why we have to help increase their number and how it can be done.

World Water Day
22nd March, 2016
22nd March, 2016 was celebrated as World Water Day and the students conducted a small water audit in the college building and have identified areas where leakages are found. This year the theme was “Better jobs for better water”.

World Earth Day
24th April, 2016
24th April, 2016 was celebrated as “World Earth Day”. Student teachers were shown videos regarding the destruction done by mankind on our planet Earth and also some ways in which all of us can participate and help preserve and conserve this wonderful planet.

One Day National Level Seminar on “Environmental Re-engineering Series 6: Year of Soils”
21st November, 2015
Pillai College of Education and Research organized a One Day National Level Seminar on “Environmental Re-engineering Series 6: Year of Soils” on 21st November 2015. The day witnessed an intelligent exchange of views and ideas on multiple role of soil, climate change and its effect on soil and vegetation and soil composition. The morning session incorporated a workshop on making clay articles wherein the intricacies and technical knowledge of clay making and different types of clay were shared by the guest speaker. All participants zealously participated and enjoyed the hands on workshop. The views of the guest speakers and the paper presenters served as a path to greater awareness and were a delight to the ears.

S.Y.B.Ed. Activities 2015-16

Van Mahotsav
1st July 2016
“If a tree is saved even at cost of one’s head, it’s worth it” said the noted activist Amrita Devi Bishnoi. Trees have been an integral part of our Indian culture and many festivals related to trees are celebrated in all parts of our country. Van Mahotsav is a weeklong festival celebrated with the purpose of preserving our mother earth. It was started in 1950 by K. M. Munshi, the then Union Minster for Agriculture and Food to create enthusiasm among masses for forest conservation and planting trees. This year the Social Forestry Division, Maharashtra had pledged to plant 3 crore trees throughout the state. Being teachers for tomorrow, it was imperative that we participate in such a sustainable endeavour. The student teachers and the teacher educators enthusiastically planted saplings on the hillocks of Valap village, Panvel on 1st July, 2016.


Teacher in-chargeMs. Geeta S. Thakur
Ms. Mayuri Jadhav
Student RepresentativesVidya Chavan
Madhu Singh

Activities 2014-15

Two Day National Level Seminar on “Environmental Re-engineering Series 5: Family Farming”
8th and 9th December, 2014
Pillai College of Education and Research, New organized an ICSSR sponsored two day National Level Seminar on “Environmental Re-engineering Series 5: Family Farming” on 8th and 9th December, 2014. Both the days were filled with an enthusiastic exchange of ideas between experts and paper presenters on various topics like water harvesting and composting, micro greens – a brilliant way of creating nutrition for the family, bio-walls – vertical kitchen gardening, art of bonsai and kitchen waste management. The seminar provided an enormous amount of knowledge to all its participants and the sessions were overwhelming with a large flow of information and filled with interest.

A Walk and Talk Event on Mangroves
22nd November, 2014
A Walk and Talk Event on Mangroves was organized by Navi Mumbai Environment Preservation Society on 22nd November, 2014 at DPS lake in Nerul, Seawoods. Mr. Alok Mishra an Environmental Engineer working at Reliance was extending his service to the society by addressing our group of 22 students accompanied by Mrs. Geeta S. Thakur. Mr. Mishra led our group and other groups of school students to walk around the 1.5 km stretch around the lake near DPS while explaining all about mangroves and the need to preserve them. He enlightened the team on mangroves and various places where they are found in India. Their specially designed body parts make it suitable to thrive in saline waters. Mangroves play a strategic role in maintaining the balance in the ecosystem and thereby ensuring our sustainability. Their mulit utility value makes it inevitably the most important plant species on earth. Besides acting as buffers between the land and sea, they play an invaluable role as nature’s shield against tsunami, cyclones and ecological disasters. They help in reclaiming the land from the sea and serve as a good source of income generation for fishing community. They help in purifying the water by absorbing impurities and harmful heavy metals and help us breathe clean air by absorbing pollutants in the air.
Mangrove cell was created by Government of Maharashtra on Jan 05, 2012 to protect, conserve and manage the mangroves of the state. The cell is headquartered in Mumbai and healed by a Chief conservator of forests. At the end of the event, Ms. Seema Adgaonkar, forest official of mangrove cell shared a beautiful poem written by her in Marathi on the every aspect of mangrove. The event brought in awareness and determination to spread information on mangroves and contribute towards its conservation and protection.

A Talk on World House Sparrow Day
20th March, 2015
A Talk on World House Sparrow Day was conducted on 20th March, 2015 by Asst. Prof. Mrs. Bindu S. Tambe and Mrs. Geeta S. Thakur. The session was divided into two parts with the first part focusing on the NGO which has initiated this move and the main reason behind the initiation of the project. The session also focused on dwindling numbers of house sparrows and the need to celebrate world house sparrow day. Discussions on the various measures that need to be taken to save sparrows were conducted. The second part of the session included videos that focused on making simple homemade feeders using waste plastic bottles. With the help of various images, the students were given more ideas on different designs for making bird feeders. The session concluded with the values which the sparrows try to teach us through their simple self less eating habits.


Teacher in-chargeMs. Geeta S. Thakur
Ms. Bindu Tambe
Ms. Namrata Saxena
Student RepresentativesSangeeta Rani
Shilpa Jeswani

Activities 2013-14

Seminar on Wetland Management
1st February, 2014
2nd February, every year, is celebrated as World Wetlands Day. This year on occasion of the same, the students and teachers of Pillai College of Education and Research, New Panvel, got a chance to attend a One Day Seminar on “Wetlands Conservation and Way Forward” on 1st February, 2014. This seminar was sponsored by Navi Mumbai Environment Preservation Society (NMEPS) and was held at Delhi Public School, Nerul. NMEPS is formed by the citizens of Navi Mumbai who are working towards the conservation and preservation of Wetlands around Navi Mumbai. They are also actively involved in creating awareness about the importance of Wetlands. The seminar was inaugurated by Ms. Sravani Rao, Principal, DPS. The introductions were done by Mr. Vindo Punshi, President, NMEPS. One of the speakers at this gathering was Mr. N. Vasudevan, Chief Executive, Mangrove Cell (Maharashtra). He spoke about the various types of mangroves present in Maharashtra, their importance for the environment, people and the threats to mangroves. Our next speaker was Dr. Anjali Paranis, Regional Director, TERI who along with her team enlightened us about the role played by mangroves in sewage treatment. They gave us the example of Central Park in Kharghar, where mangroves have a very important role in maintaining the quality of water in the artificial pond created, which has water throughout the year. The next speaker was Dr. Raju Kasambe, Project Manager, Bombay Natural History Society, Mumbai. He gave a brief introduction about how the mangroves and their health are connected to the flora and fauna of any area. He spoke about the research being done by BNHS with regards to the birds in any area. This seminar was very useful for the students as well as teachers. It also highlighted the various activities conducted by NMEPS in Nerul. Since this organization is formed by the volunteers, they actively participate in all the activities to promote mangrove conservation and preservation.

National Level Seminar
29th and 30th November, 2013
Pillai College of Education and Research, Panvel, in collaboration with YASHADA, Pune, organized a Two Day National Level Seminar on Environmental Re-engineering Series 4: Water Cooperation on 29th and 30th November, 2013. Many experts shared their views and findings about issues related to water, water footprints, how water education in classrooms and society is essential, how to save water by rain water harvesting, and other methods, etc. Emphasis was also given to the way we drink the water, and the correct method of doing it. The seminar threw light on the various issues related to the water. It was an eye opener as it made everyone aware of our ignorance towards the water conservation.


Teacher in-chargeMrs. Geeta S. Thakur
Mrs. Tina Roy
Student RepresentativesVrushali Hatankar
Hardik Dave

Activities 2012-13

National Level Seminars
19th and 20th October, 2012
On 19th and 20th October, 2012, we had a two-day National level Seminar on “Environmental Re-Engineering series 3, Sustainable energy for all”. Different experts shared their views on environment and conservation of energy and created awareness on the degeneration of nature. One of the talks helped the students to calculate their own carbon footprints. Few students also presented papers on various topics during the seminar. National seminar helped them to amass a lot of knowledge about so many things related to environment in just two days. A very rich experience, indeed, as they gained much more than what they had hoped for!

Poster and Collage Making Competition
18th November, 2012
At PCERP, we all know that awareness is fruitful only when it is followed with actions. Thus to keep up our efforts towards creating environmentally conscious humans, a Poster and Collage Making Competition was held for the students under the theme ‘Sustainable energy for all’ on 18th November, 2012. All the six tutorial groups were asked to prepare two posters or collages each, which will be judged and then used, to decorate the lecture hall where our National Seminar on Environment was to take place. Creative juices were seen flowing all over the place as the students came out with so many ideas that were innovative and original. A lot of conscious effort was put into making these posters / collages; especially to showcase various energy related issues and their possible solutions, as the objective of the competition was not to be side lined at all in a bid to outdo one another.


Teacher in-chargeMrs. Geeta S. Thakur
Mrs. Tina Roy
Student RepresentativesNaama Mala
Akshaya Patil

Activities 2011-12

Trailblazer Experience
19th and 20th November, 2011
On 19th and 20th November, 2011, three student teachers, Ms. Pooja Shinde, Ms. Meenal Malaye, Ms. Jyotsna Suchdev and a teacher educator, Mrs. Tina Roy from PCER New Panvel, attended a two days DOW – Trailblazers Teacher Training workshop for secondary school teachers named “DOW – Trailblazers Multiply the Message”. The theme for the workshop was “Sharing the Planet” and the topic was “Environment Education Innovative Classroom Teaching Methods”. Teacher trainees came back enlightened and loaded with ideas for some simple props to make learning an interesting experience which enabled them to share the same with their peers and students during a workshop conducted by them in the college as well as outside the institution – in coaching classes, karate classes along with B. P. Ed. and D. Ed. sections in our institution and in their neighbourhood. Overall attending this workshop on ‘Multiply the message’ was a great and enriching experience for all of us. It further strengthened our resolve to work towards a sustainable development through continuous efforts to protect, preserve and conserve our environment.

Workshop on “Environment Education through Innovative Classroom Teaching Methods”
27th January, 2012
A Workshop on “Environment Education through Innovative Classroom Teaching Methods” was conducted by Ms. Pooja Shinde, Ms. Meenal Malaye, Ms. Jyotsna Suchdev and Mrs. Tina Roy on 27th January, 2012 in PCER New Panvel. Some of the activities that were conducted to cover the above topics were,

  • Survival of the fittest: To understand the importance of being fit for the survival.
  • Soil Erosion: To understand the concept of soil erosion with the help of a waste stick and a paper.
  • Web of Life: To understand the dependency of one living being on another.
  • Nest Building: Building nest for the birds.
  • Debate: Dam or not to Dam
  • Who am I? To identify the animals and write its characteristics from the given picture

The workshop succeeded in demonstrating the effective integration of Environmental Education with topics from different school subjects. All the participants agreed that most of these activities could be conducted in any school, indoors as well outdoors within the time constraint of 30 minutes class period by any teacher with minimal resources.

Environmental Science
15th December, 2011
On 15th December, 2011, two of our students Ms. Pooja and Ms. Minal conducted various activities related to Environmental Science in different places like

  • Sai Tution Classes at Khanda colony
  • Karate Class at Mahatma school
  • D.Ed. section and B.P.Ed. section at PCER, New Panvel

Through these activities they were able to create awareness about the importance and interdependence of all the components of the environment, especially the plants that are the source of life on earth. It was a great pleasure to see that the environmental awareness was turning into environmental consciousness as the participants pledged to actively involve themselves in planting at least one tree every year.

Fun-Games Session
12th January, 2012
On 12th January, 2012, Ms. Jyotsna Suchdev conducted a Fun-Games Session based on environmental awareness activities at her colony in KoparKhairane, New Mumbai. Various activities like fittest of the survival, habitat protection, food-web and web-of-life was conducted for the children aged between 7 years to 12 years. The participants not only enjoyed the activities but through play-way they realized the value of each creation of nature on planet earth and the grave consequences to be faced by the mankind due to disrespect for the laws of nature. All the children vowed not to indulge in practices that harm our environment and also to adopt more eco-friendly practices like not using plastic bags, proper disposal of the rubbish, keeping their surrounding clean.

Nature Trek
12th February, 2012
On 12th February, 2012 our faculty Asst. Prof. Mrs. Geeta S. Thakur along with a teacher trainee Ms. Naama went for a Nature Trek at Prabalgad, Panvel. This event was organized by Panvel Mitra Mandal and the activities included 100 ft. rock climbing, crawling in a 60 ft. cave and 130 ft. rappelling. Participating in this event left them with a realization that there is no other source better than nature for revitalizing and rejuvenating our beaten body, soul and spirit.

Go Green Nursery
14th March, 2012
On 14th March, 2012 our B.Ed. students accompanied by their faculties visited “Go Green Nursery” situated at Taragao, New Panvel. The students were fascinated by the beauty of nature all around them as the nursery consisted of variety of plants and flowers some really rare. Sapling making session was conducted by the staff of Go Green nursery for all the students. This helped the students to gain the required knowledge and skill for proper planting and maintenance of saplings.

Waste Competition
7th March, 2012
Best out of Waste Competition was conducted on 7th March, 2012 for B.Ed. students of PCER, New Panvel. Some of the creations on display were truly fascinating and endorsed the mantra of “Reuse” which we all strive to follow at PCER.

Poster Making Competition
30th September, 2011
A Poster Making Competition was conducted at PCER New Panvel on 30th September, 2011. The theme for the competition was “Environment” depicting various environmental problems, causes and remedial measures. All the posters not only exuded creativity and aesthetic sense, they truly touched chord with people with respect to preserving and conserving our environment for us as well as for generations to come.

National Level Seminar Series on “Environmental Re-engineering Series 2: Forest Resource Management”
19th and 20th October, 2011
A National Level Seminar Series on “Environmental Re-engineering: series 2 Forest Resource management” was organized on 19th and 20th October, 2011. The papers presented at the seminar are strictly practical oriented and the participants leave with many take-home ideas that can be effectively utilized improve the quality of life. The faculty members as well as the student teachers presented papers on various applications of eco-friendly practices. Through paper presentations at the seminar, our student teachers proved that irrespective of the subjects they are dealing with every teacher needs to be environmentally conscious in order to prepare an environmentally conscious future generation.


Teacher in-chargeMrs. Bhavna Dave
Mrs. Geeta S. Thakur
Student RepresentativesKuldeep Parcha
Neeta Sharma

Activities 2010-11

Our bonding with Hariyali
27th November, 2010 and 6th February, 2011
We at PCER Panvel are always eager to work productively towards the environment and it did materialize when we came across Hariyali, an NGO working selflessly towards saving the environment in collaboration with the Thane Municipal Corporation. Mrs. Aditi Date, an active member of Hariyali briefed us about their working towards the afforestation process.
In phase one, on 27th November, 2010, a few students headed by Asst. Prof. Geeta S. Thakur, participated in the sapling-making process at the Hariyali site located at Kasarwadavali at Ghodbandar, Thane. They planted seeds of gulmohar, ashoka, saptaparni, kanchan, karanj, bahava, mango, sitafal subabul, chinch, herada, beheda and others. The students prepared more than 250 saplings, arranged them in the nursery and even watered them.
In the second phase, we contacted Mr. Punam Singhavi, the founder of Hariyali who handles the post-plantation process. On 6th February, 2011 our students along with Asst. Prof. Geeta Syamantak and Bhavna Dave went to the Bhavale site a few kilometers away from Kalyan. Under the guidance of the elderly people of the Hariyali team, water was fetched in cans from a nearby industry, filled in bisleri bottles and then carried up on the hillocks to water the plants.
Overall it was a great learning experience for the students and each one promised that this wouldn’t be their first and the last contribution but they would always be ready to serve nature at any time in future.

Two Days National Seminar on Environmental Re-engineering for Enhanced Living
1st and 2nd October, 2010
Two Day National Level Seminar on ‘Environmental Reengineering for Enhanced Living’ was organized on 1st and 2nd October, 2010 for rethinking and redesigning of the process or actions leading to better performance and quality environment. The papers invited were strictly based on practical demonstrations, case study or personal actions contributing to enhanced living. Mr. Franav Pillai in his inaugural speech expressed his concern about the deteriorating environment and emphasized on the importance of environmental reengineering at the individual level, at the national level and at the global level. The key note address was given by Dr. Kulwant Singh Pathania, Professor in Commerce and Director at UGC Academic Staff College, H. P. University, Shimla. Professor Sudhakar Solomonraj from Wilson College, Mumbai, was the resource person for the sub-theme ‘Conservation of Natural Resources’, Mrs. Seema Redkar, officer on special duty- Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation was the resource person for the sub-theme ‘Solid Waste Management’, and Dr. Chitra Natarajan from Homi Bhabha Centre for Science Education, TIFR, Mumbai was the resource person for the sub-theme Energy Management. Dr. Neelima Kulkarni, a representative of the Haryali group, an NGO shared the activities of the Haryali group and encouraged the students to take up eco-friendly practices that can be taken up at the individual level. The sessions were followed by various paper presentations and demonstrations. The seminar provided a broad spectrum of knowledge to the participants on topics related to environmental concerns and sustaining a healthy lifestyle. One could gauge the impact of our lifestyle on the future condition of our environment.