- To carry out formative and summative evaluation of student teachers of B.Ed. / M.Ed. programme in a planned and systematic manner by conducting essay, class test and open book assignment.
- To decide upon the date and time of the tests, question paper setting and submission and result declaration.
- To ensure timely feedback is given by the teacher educators on the progress of the student teachers.
- The committee decides upon the schedule of the examination which includes date, time and venue.
- Deadlines are set for question paper setting and submission followed by scrutiny of the paper before final printout.
- Supervision timetable is prepared.
- Examination is conducted under proper surveillance of examination committee and the examination supervisor.
- Answer papers are given to the respected subject in-charge for correction along with the submission date of the mark sheet and feedback sheets to be filled.
- Soft copy and hard copy of the mark sheet are maintained.