This year one of our community service initiative has been with Shantivan, Nere, Panvel which is primarily a center for Leprosy eradication and rehabilitation. This center also has an old age home, a naturopathy clinic, home for dependents, a school for Adivasi children and many more aspects. Our students and teachers had a three-day visit to Shantivan to clean up the place after the rainy season. Our students are involved in “Shramdaan”, which actually involves hard labour. We pulled weeds and overgrown grass from different sections of the center as per the instructions of the staff. This was also a preparation for Diwali. Our students and teachers completed all the work as given. They also spent time at the old age home with the senior citizens and were moved by the tales they heard from them. This also sensitized them to the need to look after our parents in their time of need.