Pillai College of Education and Research, New Panvel is recognised by the NCTE Vide Letter No Vide Letter No. – WRC / 5-6 / 107th / 2008 / 43507 dated 08-09-2008, approved by the Government of Maharashtra Vide Letter No. B.Ed. Manyatta 2006 / (543/06) Mashi-1 dated 30/03/2007 and is affiliated to the University of Mumbai Vide Letter No. Aff/recog.1/6009 of 2007 dated 17/08/2007. As per the revised NCTE order Vide Letter No. – WRC / APW02767/123344/2015/148286 dated 31/05/2015 the intake capacity of the B.Ed. program is two units (100 students). The B.Ed. program has permanent Affiliation Vide Letter No. Aff-II./ICD/16-17/1458 dated 07/11/2016
M.Ed. course has been recognized by NCTE Vide Letter No. – WRC / 5-6 / 107th / 2008 / 43507 dated 08-09-2008, NCTE Code – APW06392 / 125132, approved by the Government of Maharashtra Vide Letter No. Manyatta 2008 / (342/08) Mashi-1 dated 20/09/2008 (M.Ed.) and affiliated to University of Mumbai Vide Letter No – PG / 2 / 4856 of 2008 dated 8th October, 2008. As per the revised NCTE Vide Letter No. WRC / APW06392 / 125132/2015/156654 dated 05/12/2015, the intake capacity is for one unit (50 students). The M.Ed. program is permanently affiliated to University of Mumbai.
Pillai College of Education and Research, (New Panvel), Research centre for the doctoral degree in Education is affiliated to the University of Mumbai Vide Letter No. – Th./ICD/2012-13/2547 dated 25/07/2012 with an intake capacity of 15 students. As of now 07 students from this centre have been awarded the doctoral degree and four students have submitted their thesis in April-May 2021 and are awaiting for their Viva-Voce.
Partnerships and Affiliations
M.A. Education – PCP centre (Distance Education University of Mumbai)