
Duty Allocation 2015-17

B.Ed. Second Year Semester III
Course No.Name of the CourseTeachers Teaching
Course 7
Section 1
Pedagogy of School Subject I
Science Ms. Bindu Tambe
MathematicsMs. Geeta S. Thakur
Hindi/Marathi Ms. Pradnya Jadhav
EnglishMs. Smitha Kurup
History/Geography Ms. Bhavna Dave
Economics/Commerce Dr. Geeta R. Thakur
Course 7Optional Course
Section II Guidance and Counselling Dr. Geeta R. Thakur
Dr. Bhavna Dave
Ms. Geeta S. Thakur
Ms. Bindu Tambe
Action Research Dr. Pratima Pradhan
Ms. Pradnya Jadhav
Science Ms. Bindu Tambe
Mathematics Ms. Geeta S. Thakur
Hindi/Marathi Ms. Pradnya Jadhav
EnglishMs. Smitha Kurup
History/Geography Ms. Bhavna Dave
Economics/Commerce Dr. Geeta R. Thakur
EPC – 3 Critical Understanding of ICTDr. Geeta R. Thakur
Ms. Geeta S. Thakur
B.Ed. Second Year Semester II
Course No.Name of the courseTeachers teaching
Course 4Knowledge And CurriculumMs. Bindu Tambe
Dr. Geeta R. Thakur
Ms. Bhavna Dave
Course 5Learning And TeachingMs. Geeta S. Thakur
Ms. Pradnya Jadhav
Ms. Bhavna Dave
Course 6Assessment For LearningDr. Sally Enos
Ms. Namrata Saxena
Ms. Alpana Sharma
EPC-2Drama And Art In EducationDr. Geeta R. Thakur
Ms. Alpana Sharma

Portfolio Distribution
Faculty in-chargePortfolio Assigned
Dr. Sally EnosGrievance Redressal Cell and all others
Dr. Geeta R. ThakurPractice teaching committee, Anti-ragging Cell, Global citizenship club
Ms. Bhavna DaveExamination committee, Women Development Cell, Grievance Redressal Cell
Ms. Geeta S. ThakurWebsite updation, Well-being Club, Placement Cell, Staff Secretary, Sports/Picnic
Ms. Namrata SaxenaNature club
Ms. Bindu TambeCo-curricular activities committee, Nature club
Ms. Alpana SharmaEditorial committee, Literary Club, Community Service
Ms. Pradnya JadhavEditorial committee, Literary Club